

futurarc prize 2010 - 3rd winner

project title : oasis social housing
project type : futurarc prize 2010 competition
status : 3rd winner
design team : yusing, benyamin narkan, reza prima, thoat fauzi

design year : 2010


rembang house competition - 1st winner

project title : rembang house
project type : competition
status : 1st winner
design team : yusing, thoat fauzi, reza prima

design year : 2009

The desire to share the building site and the commitment to live together, enable the clearness of the site border, lost. The site wasn’t clearly divide as the proper to build up four houses. The creative rooms programming as the solution to fulfill the function necessity for every house as good as proper, have an opportunity to show the character of each family that could different. Alongside have a superiority in experience, and the inspiring rooms as a home like usual. The garden is centered in the midst of house, unite the four houses and be the main orientation. The veranda is functioned as the proper function of veranda in Betawi’s traditional housing, that is placed at the ground floor as the open common room that is multifunction, the living room and the common kitchen is connected to the biogas, an open space for welcoming the guest and social interaction by all dynamic communities.


eco-friendly housing

project title : eco friendly housing
project type : competition
status : entering
design team : thoat fauzi, fathurrohman HM, fathony MH

design year : 2009

Nature as the place to stand on for all human activities should be in the right cycles as usual. It has their own role in the process to keep their sustainability. The sustainability of the nature cycle must be followed by the act model of planning that was good in the design. In the case that occurs, the cycle was broken and cause unbalance nature cycle. And human life became comfortless. Nature became unfriendly, unnatural as proper. Nature was not as Nature. Refers to the cycle that must be response by the design, this eco-friendly housing design appear. Plants as the important elements for the nature sustainability cycle has an ecological structure shape, that will give more contribution if it’s applied in the design concept. As a plants, the design of this house will share the maximum absorption area by minimizing the solid elements that adhere on the soil, for the optimal water absorption into the soil. Let the soil as natural to maximize the water absorption into the soil, so that the water could conserve in large amount.

final project - 1st winner final project competition

project title : eco-architecture building experiment : as global warming information center
project type : final project & indonesian student final project competition
status : 1st winner - expression category
design team : thoat fauzi

design year : 2009

Eco-Architecture design experiment as Global Warming Information Center. Ecological architecture approach is used as the consideration substance on the continuous experiment design process for a period of time, using the sketch of idea, 3D illustration, schematic drawing, and building mockup, up to produce a final design from the process, with the function as Global Warming Information Center